One of the biggest milestones in having a baby is selecting the name. Parents recognize a child’s name becomes part of their identity. As a result, parents often contemplate for months, try different spellings, and eventually find what fits the coming bundle of joy.
However, as a father it was my duty to name the twins by the meaning of their names. A name does not end when it is printed on a birth certificate. The act of giving your child an intentional, meaningful name continues throughout their upbringing. Essentially, every time you say their name that is what you are calling them. This is exactly why Myles and Ryker were the choices.
Myles a male name from the Latin miles, a soldier. Myles in Ireland may well derive from the Gaelic names Maol Íosa (devotee of Jesus). Myles means “gracious” in Slavic.
Ryker of German origin meaning rich. Danish meaning Strong power or hardy power. Derived from Dutch meaning to become rich.
Thus, we are calling our boys "gracious soldier and rich in strength."
The names were never a popularity contest, nor do I get annoyed by asking why we named them Myles and Ryker. In a world full of words, we use language to identify, classify and connect. Words are also used to label, define and compare as we use them to describe ourselves and the people around us. Have you ever stopped to think how the words we use to define others might affect how we treat them or how they feel about themselves? Children, being the little sponges, they are, soak up what they hear about themselves. They pick up every word we throw out to describe them. As parents we decided to be intentional with describing our twins.
We decided to give them family names as middle names. Myles Dean and Ryker Henry. Dean being my wife's maiden name and Henry being the name of my grandfather and her uncle whom both have passed. I do believe implementing a family middle name has importance of showing family strength. With that said being from the south you see so many names being used over and over. To each their own. We believe that our kids deserved to have their own identity. Some argue about passing names down as tradition. Possibly? Or is it a display of narcissism? A failure of creativity? When I think of traditions, it looks more like a family vacationing to a certain destination they fall in love with or dinning out frequently at a favorite spot. Building occurrences that are itched in memories and hearts. Not simply naming them after someone. Half the time these families put undue expectations and pressures on the kids who do get passed down names.
As the parent onsite, you must tell yourself repeatedly that your children do not belong to you. They are forever beings, who by their very nature belong to God. Your children have not been given to you to make your life easier, as if they are your little God-given indentured servants. They do not exist to be props for your reputation or trophies of your success. They are not yours to clone in your image. They are not vehicles to live out your unfulfilled dreams. You must face the profound truth that your children belong to their Creator, and that from their first breath they are marching toward a destiny. This is who God created them to be. Your job is to help them to understand who they are and who God is and what life is all about, so that in the various situations and relationships of their lives they will live in a way that is consistent with God’s plot.
My aim is not to make the twins uber athletes because I coach. Would it be cool if they are great at sports, yes. However, if they love music I will be just as proud and just as big of a cheerleader. If they want to follow in my foot steps as a coach (first I will tell them the commitment it takes) awesome. If not, and they wish to be a dentist or a preacher, there I will be pushing them to find what they “Love to do.” Plus, free dentures and a front-row seat to nit-pick a sermon never hurt anyone!!
Now we just need to find a girl’s name that has a Y as the second later to be those parents!!!
Nyla, meaning winner, champion? Aydree, meaning follower of God?
No worries, we are not having anymore kids. But will be looking to adopt one day!
