August 16th home of jokes, gags, puns, pickup lines, memes, and more as it is National Tell A Joke Day!! Picture a life without laughter — it’s hard to imagine that there may have been a time when jokes weren’t invented. Jokes are believed to have been a part of history since 1900 B.C. Many suggest that the joke was created by the Greek hero Palamedes, who outsmarted Odysseus during the Trojan War. There is little evidence to support this claim, and the exact origin of jokes is unknown. The creation of National Tell A Joke Day is also lost in time so we guess the joke’s on us! Tell A Joke Day is a great day to lighten up and laugh it up! Not only is laughter great for the soul, it is also beneficial for our health. When times get hard, and we need help turning that frown upside down, a good joke will save the day! Laughter is also contagious, and the world can always use more smiles and laughter. Luckily Friday Finds landed on today and we can indulge in 5 comical finds.....
1. A twin told me there's a kid called Mirror in his new class, and I'm not sure if he misheard or that's just where we are with names now??
2. Last night the Twins harassed me until I agreed to go down a water slide named The Plunger, and my wedgie was so deep it cleaned my teeth. Good stuff!!
3. Entered the Steeplechase contest, but it's just me walking around the house jumping over piles of stuff as the twins walk in after school gets out and stepping in a puddle of water the twins just spilled!!
4. Me at breakfast: Have you all washed your hands?
Twins: Yes
Me: That seemed fast.
Twins: Oh, we thought you meant ever??
5. The twins said they wanted to be like me, so they walked around in underwear prior to school today asking mom where their pants were and now I feel attacked!!