Wheww. Ever felt plum wore out? We all go through bouts of fatigue. The avenues that are connected to why we become tired vary. Most common grumblings center around correlations such as work, kids, travel, agendas, lack of sleep, and the list goes on. No one is immune to the push and pull of life or fatigue itself. Thus, Parenting and rest? Isn’t that an oxymoron?” Rest is a vital part of parenting, but also paramount in that good parenting can’t happen without rest. Your mother and I spoke about rest this week and although you had baseball practice, church on Wednesday, and family photos we made it a priority to find time to put aside everything at bedtime for family space and morning time in the word over coffee. It seems as if time won't be slowing down until Mid-May, which is why rest must become a concentrated effort. Why is rest important?
God not only rested himself but also encourages it. Genesis 2:1-3"Thus the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done." Mark 6:31 "Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”
Parenting is a marathon, not a sprint. You need to re-fuel in order to keep going. If you don’t, you’ll burn out and won’t be the father or mother he ordained you to be.
Rest makes you a more complete spouse and more godly spouse. Well-rested husbands and wives are happier husbands and wives. In contrast, busy and stressed out husbands and wives stress their partners out. Well-rested couples also tend to relate to one other better not forgetting they are each others helper, not rival. Remember, putting you spouse before your kids is needed at times in life. Rest can carve out intimacy both physically and emotionally that helps continue a healthy relationship.
Rest makes you a more complete and more godly parent. A well-rested parent is a more self-controlled, more patient, more tolerant and more energetic parent, who is better able to meet the emotional needs of his or her children.
Resting regularly sets a good example for kids. You are showing them that rest is important and that life isn’t just about work; it’s about worshipping God. Not only does it show them they are worth your time and time at home above other things, It creates a safe place away from electronics, social media, and a place to openly communicate through trust, empathy, and love.
These are not a tell-all that makes life or relationships perfect, however, if we both did not communicate verbally how spread out thin and tired we were this week. It could have been a rough week at home. Instead, together relying on one another through Christ we found rest and were able to help one another in our weaknesses of quieting our minds and resting.
1. Pretty sure Rome was built faster than twins can tie their shoelaces!!
2. Look, we can have a clean house or we can keep twins off screens, you can’t have it both ways Karen!!
3. The battle I didn’t pick at dinner this week: letting a twin eat his lasagna with a straw!!
4. Have twins so one can wake the other up at 2 am to inform them that he is bored and then they both can wake you up at 2:02 am and tell you they are both bored!!
5. Do you like the feeling of never being home & living out of your car? Then having kids involved in sports might be for you!!