Raptors are swarm like creatures. Does this remind you of anyone? They enjoy hunting in groups and work together to get you. The main target? Dad of course!!
The majority of the time they go full rampage in a straight line. At other times they form all sides at once. They love to plan attacks and in random locations. Always returning to a gathering point when overpowered by Daddy-Rex!! What happens at those points is still a mystery. However, the best way to fight these Raptors of Rampage is to remain on the move. Because there are two of you!!
Twins are celebrities of grocery stores and playgrounds. They draw out random folk and googly-eyed grandmas that literally jump in front of any chaos or wildly entertaining behavior with “oohs” and “ahhs” over these Raptors of Rampage characters. Raising such active, playful, fun, boy wrestling twins has taught me that during all the rampage organization is paramount, being present is vital, and quality over quantity is key. Nevertheless, raising two Raptors mean even though you get double the challenges, you also get double the cuteness, snuggles, love, and laughter. Without further ado, enjoy the 5 Friday Raptor finds from this week…..
1. Welcome to twin-parenthood. Have you ever wondered what it would be like if a day was 3224 hours long??
2. Yesterday the twins started crying because the bite they wanted was too big to fit in their mouth and this is one tantrum I can get behind!!
3. At one point this week the twins asked why momma sounded like a real "Raptor" and was so loud in the morning because it woke them up. I explained this is a gift passed down from generation to generation by Dino- mothers!!
4. A little boy at the park ran away from the twins and promptly told his mom, “They scare me cause there’s 2 of them!!” Same, buddy, same!!
5. One day you’re taking care of your twins’ every need and the next you’re like, “Did I feed those little Raptors lunch today?”