Good Friday honors the death of Jesus on Calvary, the site just outside the walls of Jerusalem where Jesus was crucified. Good Friday is, for many, an intensely personal day of prayer, reflection, and devotion. Today, we reflect on it as I am guilty of putting Jesus on the cross because your dad is a sinner. I am a person who is far from perfect and throughout your life may fall short of being slow to anger, quick to listen, and as a result will have to ask forgiveness from Jesus first and from you both as well as mom. Hopefully, you will see Jesus Christ more and less of me because he is a better father figure than I will be any day. Jesus sacrificed his life out of love for his believers and all mankind. His death was the ultimate sacrifice. The crucifixion paved the way for mankind’s salvation including both of you, with Jesus being resurrected two days later. Your mom and I hope you invite Jesus Christ into your hearts and choose to follow him whole-heartedly. Because of him we are able to enjoy the humorous bliss he has bestowed upon your hearts each week through 5 Friday Finds…..
1. One time my mom slapped ketchup and cheese on Wonder bread as a kid and called it pizza and now my kids are complaining that their sushi isn’t cut to their satisfaction!!
2. Twins: It’s not fair. You get to do whatever you want..
Me: I’ll just finish scrubbing the dirt off you tracked-in on the truck seats and then we will go inside so I can cook dinner for the family!!
3. Let the twins stir the waffle batter this morning and now they keep asking for the whisk-y, going to have a lot of explaining to do at preschool next week!!
4. Staying home with twins during their spring-break and working remotely involved washing everyone else’s sheets, making everyone else’s beds, then passing out on your bare mattress with a goldfish cracker stuck to your forehead!!
5. Before kids: “My KiDS WiLL EaT wHaT I GiVe ThEm.”
Twins later: “What do you want for lunch? A bowl of ketchup with a side of melted ice cream? Ok, here you go!!”