There is nothing more enjoyable than seeing you two have fun, become best friends, and have completely different personalities all at the same time. Just remember this one thing. Family is the most important thing. That may look different to a friend or aunt or grandparent or cousin. Making sacrifices for the greater good of our family may or may not make sense to others who have never had the drive or hunger to reach goals like your mom and dad. Never apologize for chasing dreams as long as they align with God's will. Nonetheless, the three of us and doing what is best for all of us should always come right behind doing what the Lord desires. Thank you for being so fun and teaching us the following 5 finds this week.....
1. Being a twin toddler must be wild!! Imagine thinking your own parents are trying to poison you when they give you home cooked food then going and eating sand while playing on the beach??
2. Yesterday one of the twins asked if I would make him a turkey sandwich, but not with the turkey that can fly, with the turkey that’s a circle!!
3. Nothing ruins your favorite movie quite like watching it with twins!!
4. Last night- Me: Good night my boys
Twins: Did you know all the days of a week, end in the word Day??
5. Funny how twin 4-year-olds know the answer to everything unless it's something Charlotte and I specifically asked!!