Long live Spring Break, and long live taking much-needed breaks whenever they’re needed – in the spring or otherwise. Life happens fast. And for most working parents, the time you get with your children while they’re young goes by in the blink of an eye. We know because we’re the average working family too! But a life of annual travel as a family during spring break has allowed us to form an enduring bond and create collective memories that will last us a lifetime.
The most important thing you can do this spring break is to take advantage of opportunities to spend extra time with your children, to connect and bond. Not everyone is able to take time off work or afford a family vacation, but you don’t need a lot of extra time or a big budget to make memories. The keys to our fun in down time are prioritizing less technology and TV, meal planning together as a family, spending all day outdoors, watching March Madness, and getting to see family if they are available. Hopefully you had a great spring-break and enjoy the following 5 finds this week..... Thank you Lord for the time you blessed us with this week unplugged from distractions.
Had to enforce a hard rule this week that we don't eat one another's ears. Can someone please tell me exactly when Spring “Break” occurs!!
After nearly a week listening to twins’ bicker from dawn to dusk on spring break, my will to listen is officially spring broken!!
My wife and I announce when we are going to use the bathroom. However, it is merely to verbalize whatever happens in the next few minutes is your fault!!
I asked the Twins to hang up the phone & they said, ‘hang it where??’ So be careful teaching sarcasm at a young age!!
I let the Twins stir the pancake batter yesterday for Charlotte's birthday, and now they both keep asking for the whisk-y. May have a lot of explaining today at their school once spring-break ends!!