Guess which Twin Boys turn 4 today??!! I still remember taking you home and being in awe we had twins!! I still enjoy both of you as much as the day I literally saw you come out of the womb. I love doing crazy things with you, and that will always be my favorite part of every day. My prayer is you grow toward the Lord and make him your joy. Love you to the beach and back. I love how both of you are taking on different personalities, but remain so close as brothers! Your mom and dad wish you a Happy 4th birthday and love the 5 jocular finds you taught us this week as Twin-Parents.....
1. Raising Twins is like using a blender, but you don’t have the top for it!!
2. If you’re not yelling at your kids, you aren’t spending enough time with them!!
3. At what age do kids realize it’s gross to drink their own bath water because the answer isn’t 4!!
4. There should be a different word for vacation when it’s with twins. Like exhaustation!!
5. Booking plane tickets for a family trip is a fun little test to see if I still remember the Twins birthdays and age!!