Stop, read and enjoy a lighter side of life in this messy society. Don’t be a bear, Smile!
1. My 2-year-old twin boys pointed at their short pockets and said with gusto, “hungry hole daddy” aka put snacks in here dad. Now the pockets will forever be named the Hungry Hole!
2. We are at a red light this week with the windows down. One of the twins’ farts and not kidding you, the car stopped beside us has the windows down as well and started to gag. Literally, the vehicle speeds off and runs the red light over my 2-year old’s gas. My wife hits me as I am laughing uncontrollably and says they are your sons.
3. Our dogs even stand by the human pantry. Why might you ask? Well, has anyone else noticed that giving your kids crackers is just like putting wood in a chip shredder? Once the cracker is sawed off, the dogs get all the wood chips!
4. Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine my wife and I getting so competitive over coin flipping. We are constantly flipping the coin to see who gets to leave the house to pick up milk. The struggle is real people. Laugh all you want, you come work from home and have twins. On second thought, don’t try this at home folks.
5. Every night this week:
Wife: Hey let’s fool around after the kids to bed.
Me: Big smile on face. About time!
Novelist: But they never did.
I am now finished with this, the wife put our kids to bed, and she is awake people! Time to sign off!!!!!!!
