As the title states Dad had the twins this week as our nannies took a much needed vacation to the beach. The 3 of us always enjoy the extra time playing, learning, eating, growing, and certainly being rambunctious. The following 5 findings were detected by Dad super powers aka super observant skills:
1. Do parent labor laws exist? It always seems I am forced to build, play, or clean before breakfast is even served
2. Nobody is fuller of s!@# than 2 toddlers who respond "we will" when you tell them to be careful when wrestling
3. 2021: Kids get organic yogurt & yummy flavored bagels
1985: My Mom put Spaghetti-O's on bread & called it a sandwich!!
4. This week the twins had a meltdown when I explained next month will be their 3rd birthday and can no longer tell people they are 2. Apparently the idea of growing old is a fear at all stages of life?
5. The twins concocted a mission this week to try and waste 40 mins picking out a Band-Aid for an imaginary bruise to avoid naptime, well then, mission accomplished because I gave both a couple real bruises en-route to naptime!!