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5 Friday Findings!!!!! All That Jingle!!

The boys have been going around singing non-stop in preparation of their Christmas show!! Mom and dad could not be more excited to see the entire class perform today. The preschool the twins are in is such a special place and we have enjoyed attending birthday parties over the last few months of classmates while getting to know other parents. It is such a joy hearing the kids break out singing while riding in the car or singing as they play throughout the day. Let us hope none of the youngsters get stage fright today. Bring that jingle and as always here is 5 funny jingles from all that goes into parenting twins each week.....

1. If you're not prepared to spend 1/3 of your day "watching this," then you aren't ready to be a Dad!!

2. As a BIG manchild playing parent, I never accounted for the 8 hours a week I'd lose taking socks out of the shoes I had to find in the first place!!

3. Want to start a world war? Just sing the wrong words of a 3 year old twin toddler's favorite Christmas carol. You have been warned!!

4. Do you like warm food, hot coffee and TV programs lasting longer than 3 minutes? Then fatherhood is not for you!!

5. In the bath this week the twins vehemently stated “the water will tell us when it’s time to get out” so there you have it folks. Twin-toddling at it’s finest!!

The version my twins will most likely sing and who in the world could have taught them such Tomfoolery?

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