Most people are looking forward to ringing in a new year. Depending on what perspective or telescope you decide to peer into depends on how you viewed 2020. I resolved a long time ago to not live in fear. To live optimistic and positive. 2020 might have been different compared to what is normal. We had watershed moments, lost innocent lives, lost influential people and coaches, but life can still be lived. My faith has been strengthened by a pandemic. Boys never live in fear or be swayed by the media. For example, 2020 was not all bad. Being alive is already a big plus. How about a few positive things that didn't grab headlines through all the turmoil? In 2007, Timothy Ray Brown became the first person to be cured of HIV. In March, the second person was cured of the disease thanks to a stem cell transplant. Adam Castilleja was first diagnosed with HIV in 2003, but in March, Castilleja revealed he’s been HIV free for over 18 months. He underwent a bone marrow transplant from a donor who had a rare genetic mutation that confers resistance to HIV. Although lockdowns and quarantines have led to many staying indoors, this time of isolation has allowed for a period of growth for the environment. The water in the canals in Venice has cleared up and fish have returned. (Dad has spent time in Venice and this is astonishing) In New York, the average concentration of fine particulate matter has dropped 28%. In San Francisco, the rate is almost 40% lower than what it was last year.
All the bad news on TV and social media can cause many people to get lost in nothing but negativity. Although it’s felt like 2020 has been all chaos. Positives still remain. During hard times like this, it’s important to stay connected with faith, prayer, family, loving others, and sticking together to stay positive. I am looking forward to celebrating the New Year on Jan 1st. Your mother and I a few years ago pivoted from staying up until midnight to celebrating all day watching football and eating our favorite foods. Why waste valuable rest when you can ring in the new year on the first day of January? In addition, my boys do not get caught up in new year resolutions. Each day is a new day to work on yourself, get better, grow, and attain goals. You should not need new year resolutions if you set high standards and expectations for yourself daily. Ring in 2021 with a few funnies from twin parenthood:
1. The twins just tried to argue with Alexa, and it reminded me of nearly every comment thread in 2020
2. My 1 New Year's resolution is to put my iWatch on my dominant hand, so I get steps for lifting my beer to get through twin-hood
3. This year I learned having kids means you'll never be able to drive & sing along to your favorite song ever again. Unless of course you adopt your favorite song as “Baby Shark”
4. I don’t know what kind of life I envisioned myself having at this age but watching 2 half-naked toddlers eat orange slices and drip juice on me while sitting on my chest at 5:45 a.m. was almost definitely not a part of it. 1 possibly but not 2 toddlers!!
5. New Year's Eve is a special occasion when parents get to stay up late with little noisemakers all over the place. Also known as just another day with twins!!