5 Friday Findings!!!!! Another week passes by and as usual funny things happen when you are a parent. Especially of twin boys!! Feel free to chuckle out loud or roll your eyes. Have a great Memorial Day weekend and be safe!
1. This week we taught the twins how old they are going to be. Not only can they say “2” but also show you “2.” Just do not judge the fact that it looks as if they are flipping you the bird!
2. My wife and I were discussing transitioning into a twin bed for the boys. In came my mother-n-law as well. All I can say, is an option to find a family counselor after that discussion ok? Wow it is just a %^&* bed people.
3. Staying on the topic of crib vs bed. My wife posted in her twin mom group about the boys escaping the crib and tent that keeps them in it (believe me we have a big and deep crib). The responses in the group is that no one has had their twins escape the tent followed by “bless your heart.” Thus, we either have engineers on our hands or some persistent contestants.
4. The boys can open door (swear they are stretch Armstrong when reaching for things) so we put these door knob protectors on handles at the beach house. Safe to say even the adults are walking around pissed off because they are unable to get in and out of rooms. Just imagine pop-pop trying to open the bathroom before he $%^& his pants… And does not make it! Don’t sweat the small stuff LOL…
5. The 510 minutes it takes to get the twins ready for the beach is so worth the 10 seconds we get to sit in a beach chair, feel the breeze and hear the waves. Oh, crap the boys are once again hitting on girls and diving into waves. Parenting calls. Until next week go be awesome folks!
